As our dear Lt. Col. Frank W. Slade would say 'WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!!'.
I have nothing personal against this lady.
What she's achieved in her life thus far is quite remarkable I'll be very happy for her if she goes on to greater heights.
But what the f*ck is the hoopla in the Indian media for Sunita Williams all about???
I mean, look at her history:
She was born half Indian and half Slovenian IN America.
ALL her upbringing was in the US of A.
She graduated from a Naval Academy.
She was a US Navy pilot for eleven years.
She's probably visited India ONLY once!!! (Unable to confirm that though)
And, and... tell me something. Which country's flag did she sport on her sleeve during the space mission???

Apart from having an Indian first name and an Indian ancestry (mind you, only HALF of her ancestry is Indian) how much of a claim to 'Indianness' can she boast of? NOUGHT!
And yet, the Indian media is so frigging obsessed by success stories of anybody remotely Indian that they go gaga over them!
Lines on TV like 'a testament to the triumph of human spirit over life's adversities' and the like just irk the crap outta me.
I mean look at the reality of the matter... She's the daughter of a highly successful Indian-American neuroanatomist (source : Wikipedia... STOP ROLLING YOUR EYES!)
with a fairly well-off upbringing and a plethora of opportunities having lived an American life.
OKAY, kudos to Ms. Williams for taking most of them, but does she REALLY deserve ALL that attention and sympathy from the Indian media?
Definitely NOT, in my opinion.
I'm sure, for the Indian media there is no dearth of INDIAN issues to focus on and no shortage of success stories of Indian women who've fought MUCH, MUCH tougher odds in life to succeed.
Mind you as I mentioned earlier, I have nothing against Sunita Williams herself and I wish her the very best in her future endeavours.
Well such things really can't be helped can they? For a nation starved of real heroes and BIG events and with some news channels that are, at best, abominably woeful... you're bound to get this sh*t time after time... And in the words of Col. Slade as u may not mind, "What a sham! What kind of show you guys puttin' on here today?"
'You got me all misty eyed' :(
Absolutely true, sire.
I know.......
Indians have the habit of making GODS outta statues and DIETIES outta animals....
AM not TOO surprised BTW
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